About Liz

Liz Shaw is a Senior Software Engineer and huge nerd.

By Day

Hey there! I'm Liz. I'm a Senior Software Engineer at HubSpot working on the Canvas design system, a React-based design system used by hundreds of engineers, designers, content producers, and more. I aim for performance and reliability in any code I ship, and bring these best practices to the forefront in any code-related articles in this blog.

I enjoy teaching coding and live for giving others that Eureka moment through tangible, real-world examples. Through my teaching career, I've been involved with wonderful educational organizations like General Assembly, Women Who Code, and Girl Develop It, among others, as an instructor or leader. I founded the Boston chapter of Tech Ladies.

Teaching an ES6 workshop I created for the nonprofit Women Who Code in Boston.

By Night

I have always loved making things. I have a tendency to look at the things around me and think "I could make that." As you can imagine, that can balloon into a lot of different things. This blog aims to catalog all my various construction pursuits.

On a personal level, I absolutely love coding. Even though, yes, it's my day job, I often spend the weekends hacking around with some technology or another I haven't fiddled around with yet. I got my first taste of code when I was a preteen building online games and deploying them over FTP on a dial-up connection (😱 the horror).

Some other things I enjoy include:

  • Strategy board games, notably Nemesis, Scythe, or chess
  • Halloween and spooky costumes
  • Exercising — weightlifting and strength training being my favorite 💪
  • Traveling the world. Atlas Obscura is my go-to site for tourist recommendations — it's a treasure trove of lesser-known attractions with quirky backstories.
  • Bullet journaling and drawing, typically with a black Micron 01
  • Personal finance, financial forecasting, and reading books about personal finance
  • Thrifting and upcycling
  • Museums
  • The 1979 film Alien
  • The intersection of art and code (see fun AR t-shirt below)

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