x-post: Intro to TypeScript for JavaScript Developers

Why, hello there, everyone! It has been a long time since I've posted. 😅 I've been keeping myself busy with several nifty projects, but haven't carved out the time to whip out blog posts yet. Expect some delayed posts soon.

In the meanwhile, I wanted to share this Intro to TypeScript for JavaScript Developers post I just published on HubSpot's Product & Engineering blog.

Intro to TypeScript for JavaScript Developers
A thorough introduction to TypeScript for JavaScript developers including video demos, practical examples, common definitions, and real-world advice.

This introductory post will be part of a series, so I'll ramp up the difficulty as we go and get more at the intersection of React, HTML, and TypeScript later on. I'm still kicking ideas around, but I'd also love to discuss TypeScript conversion projects from the perspective of a large library maintainer like myself. Currently, I work on a design system library which 500+ engineers rely on, which has already presented itself with some interesting nuanced situations and lessons.